Mission Control NOC respects your privacy. We created this Privacy Policy to let you know what information we collect and how we use it, as well as our practices regarding such information.

This Privacy Policy applies to:

  • The website https://chat.missioncontrolnoc.com/ (the “Website“); and
  • The Chat Integration service and applications (the “Service” or “MCNOC App“);

This Privacy Policy does not apply to:

  • Information we collect offline or by any other means (such as through other products or services we may offer); and
  • Information collected by our affiliates or any other third parties (including, third-party messaging platforms (e.g. Slack, Cisco Webex Teams and others) (each, a “Messaging Platform“)), which may have their own privacy policies.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and save it. If you do not agree with it, you should not use the Service or access the Website. By using the Service, the Website or by accepting or responding to messages or chat requests from users of the Service (including via email), you consent to the practices prescribed in this Privacy Policy.

What information does Mission Control NOC collect?

  • Personal Information. When we refer to “Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy, we mean any information by which you may be personally identified or contacted, whether online or offline.  When you use the Service, fill out any forms located on the Website or send or respond to messages or chats via the Service, we may collect certain Personal Information from you, such as your first and last name, email address, phone number and company name or other employment information. Additionally, if you send chats or messages via the Service, whether you do so via an email provider or a third-party messaging platform, we may view the content of those chats or messages, including any Personal Information you choose to provide in those chats or messages.  It is always your choice whether or not to provide Personal Information. If you choose not to provide requested Personal Information, you may not be able to participate in certain activities or use certain features of the Service.
  • Technical Information. We may also collect and use technical data and related information, such as information about your device, system and application software, peripherals and other data related to your interactions with the Service (“Technical Information“).  We automatically collect Technical Information through the use of “cookies” and other similar collection technologies, like pixels, web beacons and local storage. The information we collect from these technologies may include your web settings and preferences, website analytics information, device type, phone operating system and push ID. Mission Control NOC does not consider this information to be Personal Information. Mission Control NOC owns all Technical Information and may use it for any lawful purpose.  Depending on your browser, you may be able to remove and reject cookies from our Website or the Service by changing your browser settings. The default setting of many browsers is set to accept cookies until you change your settings. Please note that if you disable or refuse cookies, certain features of the Website or the Service may become inaccessible or may not function properly.
  • Location Information. We also collect information about your geographic location from you or your device, including your country, region, city, zip code, street address, time zone, latitude, longitude, and horizontal position representation information (“Location Information“).
  • Third-Party Platform Information. We may also collect information (including Personal Information) about you from various Messaging Platforms through their applicable APIs or otherwise (“Messaging Information”). For example, if a user links his or her company Messaging Platform account with the Service, we may have access to other users of that Messaging Platform within the same organization, regardless of whether they are Mio users or not.
  • Tracking and Do Not Track Signals. We use the Website and the Service to collect information about your activities over time and across third-party websites, applications or other online services (“Tracking Information“). Your web browser, email provider or Messaging Platform(s) may allow you to opt-out of our collection of Tracking Information by selecting a “do not track” (or similar) setting. However, we do not currently support “do not track” requests.

Order Information and Other Information You Voluntarily Disclose. Certain features of the Service are designed to display Information that you choose to provide to other users (such as enabling chats across Messaging Platforms) or to other third parties (such as Messaging Platforms). Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose Information through the Service, that Information can be seen by those users or third parties to whom you send that Information. We are not responsible for the security or privacy of any Information you choose to submit in connection with these features.

How does Mission Control NOC use this Information?

Except as described in this Privacy Policy or in our Terms of Service, Personal Information, Technical Information, Location Information, Messaging Information and Tracking Information (collectively, “Information“) that you provide or that we collect will be kept confidential and used to support your relationship with Mission Control NOC.

We may use your Information, including your Personal Information, as follows:

  • To enable you to participate in interactive features of the Service (such as communications between users)
  • To provide services and customer support to you.
  • To improve, test, update, and monitor Mission Control NOC’s products and services for a better user experience.
  • To communicate with you, including about the Service or your account.
  • To market or promote the Service or products and services of Mission Control NOC or its third-party partners.
  • For any other purpose we may describe when you provide the Information.

In addition, Mission Control NOC and its third-party partners may also use the Information to: remember your Information so you will not have to re-enter it during a subsequent visit; help you efficiently access your Information after you sign in; diagnose or fix technology problems; and for security and fraud prevention purposes.

Information We Share

Except as described in this Privacy Policy, Mission Control NOC does not share, rent or sell your Personal Information with third parties.

Mission Control NOC or its agents, vendors or contractors may disclose Information, including your Personal Information, to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • To our agents, vendors or contractors that we use to support the internal operations of our business including the Service and the Website and who are required to keep the Information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them;
  • To Messaging Platform providers in connection with our provision of the Service;
  • If required to do so by law, comply with legal process or to comply with a governmental or regulatory request;
  • To protect and defend the rights or property of Mission Control NOC or its agents or contractors;
  • To enforce our Terms of Service or other Mission Control NOC agreements;
  • To act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Service, the Website or the public; and
  • As part of a transaction or potential transaction where Mission Control NOC merges with another organization, files for bankruptcy, or sells its assets or capital stock.

Security of Your Information

We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards designed to protect the Information. Despite the actions and precautions we take, no data transmissions over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of the Information and you acknowledge and agree that you transmit it to us at your own risk.

Third-Party Websites, Services and Technologies

We may provide links to third-party websites on the Website or in other communications to you. These links may appear as a specific domain name or URL or may be activated by clicking on an advertisement or other icon or graphic. Please be aware that other websites and services, including the websites of third parties that you connect with through the Service, may collect personally identifiable information about you. We cannot control and are not responsible for the information collection practices of any third-party websites, services or applications, including any Messaging Platforms. We encourage you to carefully review their terms of use, privacy policies, and any other legal notifications before using or providing information through such websites, services or applications.

Further, the Service may employ third party technologies that require you to accept such third party’s terms. This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of those third-party technologies.

International Transfers

Information collected from you may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Mission Control NOC or its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents or contractors maintain facilities. If you are accessing the Service from the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection and use, please note that you are agreeing to the transfer of your data to the United States and processing globally.  By providing your Information, you consent to any transfer and processing in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Accessing and Updating Your Information

To the extent provided by the law of your jurisdiction, you may (i) have the right to access certain Information we maintain about you and request details about how we process it, (ii) request certain information regarding our disclosure of Information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes, (iii) request that we update or correct inaccuracies in that Information, (iv) object to our use of your Information, (v) ask us to block or delete your Information from our database, and (vi) request to download the Information you have shared on the Services. You may make these requests and any other inquiries about this Privacy Policy by emailing privacy@missioncontrolnoc.com, contacting us here, or writing us at 1881 Steeles Ave W Suite 330, North York, ON M3H 0A1. Any such requests are subject to the protection of other individuals’ rights and applicable law. Additionally, to help protect your privacy and maintain security, we may take steps to verify your identity before granting you access to the information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, a charge may apply before we provide you with a copy of any of your Information that we maintain.

Children’s Privacy

The Website and the Service are not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect Information from children under 13. If you believe that we may have collected Information from a child under the age of 13, please contact us at privacy@missioncontrolnoc.com.

Information Choices and Changes

We may need to communicate with you about the Service, and we would like to make certain commercial offers available to you from time to time. As such, you consent to receive commercial messages (whether by phone, email, text or push notifications) from us or our third-party partners, and acknowledge and agree that your primary phone numbers and email addresses and other information may be used for the purpose of initiating commercial messages. We will allow you to opt-out of receiving commercial messages, but in order to stop receiving any messages from us whatsoever (including administrative messages regarding the Service), you will need to terminate your account.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This is our entire Privacy Policy and it replaces any earlier version. We may change this Privacy Policy by posting a new version on the Website or through the Service, and it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically. If we make material changes to our practices regarding the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information, we will notify you via e-mail to the email address you provide to us and/or through a notice on the Website home page or via the Service.

When we do change the Privacy Policy, we will also revise the effective date. Your continued use of the Service after such date constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates.

Contacting Mission Control NOC

For questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Mission Control NOC, 1881 Steeles Ave W Suite 330, North York, ON M3H 0A1, or privacy@missioncontrolnoc.com.

What Data Subprocessors are currently used by Mission Control NOC?

Mission Control NOC utlilizes third-party Data Subprocessors for its day to day operations and provision of services. Mission Control NOC applies data protection controls with each Data Subprocessor in regards to their security controls and applicable regulations for the protection of personal data.

Mission Control NOC limits the number of subprocess that import our customers data and PII. Those that do are expected to adhere or exceed the standards and controls we have in place. End user data that is shared with a subprocessor is indicated under the ‘End User PII’ column.

‘End User PII’ is currently defined as First name, Last name, Email address, Avatar and IP address.

Our Data Subprocessors change periodically and we attempt to notify our customers of relevant changes. If you wish to confirm our latest list of Data Subprocessors, please contact us directly.

Disclosure Policy

Mission Control NOC enforces and upholds a responsible disclosure policy, available here.